
The DEPI team publishes a range of content with the goal of providing practical guidance on teaching and learning with technology at IU. In this section, you'll find:

  • The Connected Professor, a quarterly newsletter aimed at sharing stories and ideas, particularly from faculty and staff innovators across IU
  • The Learning Technologies list, which provides important and timely announcements (including upcoming events and opportunities) for IU instructors
  • Pressbooks for foundational tools and resources that IU instructors use to improve their teaching, increase engagement, and drive student success

Considering Generative AI and Virtual Reality for teaching and learning

2023 Year End

People connected by lines and the text Conversations with the Connected Professor

Conversations with The Connected Professor

Join a faculty panel on ChatGPT a year later. Their take: A lot of hype, some definite potential

Read the article

Learning Technologies List

September 7, 2021: 12 quick updates to bring you up to speed

Here are a dozen resources and events to bring you up to speed this September (and well beyond):

  1. The new Teaching.IU launched in early September and has loads of new content queued up for this fall. From teaching resources and professional development to success stories and tool finder, the new site curates a wide array of teaching resources -- including upcoming events from across IU.
  1. IU eTexts ordering is now open for Spring 2022 and closes the day before registration begins on each campus. More details (including deadlines) are available in the IU eTexts Ordering section of the Canvas course. Please submit your orders as soon as your Schedule of Classes is edited.
  1. The CITL blog is a great resource for quick tips on things like chat tools and missed assignments; closer looks at inclusive instruction and addressing public issues like race, racism, and politics in your curriculum; and instructor perspectives in the "What will you keep this fall?" series.
  1. CTL Quick Video Guides provide short (5-10 minute) video segments on popular teaching and technology topics. Teaching centers across IU contributed content to help develop the guides, and the CTL is always open to suggestions on other topics of interest.
  1. The Zoom to the Next Level pressbook on active learning in the virtual classroom features two new sections: 1) Presentations has everything from live writing and drawing to group brainstorms and annotations, and 2) Discussions has guidance on approaches like student polls and breakout rooms.
  1. Sept 10 & Oct 22: SoTL keynotes on What Inclusive Instructors Do (Sept 10, 2-3:30pm ET) and Emotional Presence in Online Teaching for Increased Student Engagement, Persistence, and Success (Oct 22, 2-3:15pm ET).
  1. Sept 13: Advancing Teaching and Learning with Technology CFP deadline -- consider sharing insights from this past year related to teaching at a distance or using tech to improve teaching and learning. And register now for the November 5th symposium, featuring a keynote from UW-Madison's Dr. Thomas Tobin on 3 low-effort, high-impact strategies for improving classes in this new normal.
  1. Sept 15: Course Material Fellowship deadline for IU Bloomington and IU Indianapolis instructors interested in adopting and creating Open Educational Resources. Benefits include a stipend, support from subject experts, and opportunities to learn alongside peers.
  1. Sept 16: Top Hat webinars -- first up is New to Top Hat at 10am ET for those seeking an introduction to key features of the student engagement platform, and after that comes What's New with Top Hat at 2pm ET for those interested in learning about key updates from the past year.
  1. Sept 16, 23, 30: Upcoming Getting Started webinars from IT Training feature Microsoft Storage at IU sharing and collaboration (Sept 16, 2-3pm ET), Google at IU file organization and basic collaboration (Sept 23, 11am-12pm ET), and Microsoft Planner (Sept 30, 2-3pm ET).
  1. Sept 20-24: OLC (Online Learning Consortium) Accelerate 2021 conference registration is free for anyone involved in teaching -- full- and part-time faculty, graduate students, and others -- at any IU campus thanks to the IU Office of Online Education.
  1. Sept 21 & 28: Equity in assessment and grading part 1 on Equitable Assessment (Sept 21, 1-2:15pm ET) and part 2 on Equitable Grading (Sept 28, 1-2:15pm ET) aim to help instructors address the practical challenges of promoting equity in their courses.

Stay tuned for more, including October events like Speed Dating with Learning Technologies!

Subscribe to LT List messages here.