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Get expert advice on course design

December 12, 2023

Hi everyone,

There's another resource available to help you prepare for next semester: The new Instructional Design (ID) Clinic is staffed with experts to help you get started with or level up your online teaching.

As always, you can contact your campus teaching and learning center during regular business hours. On nights and weekends, book a virtual appointment with the ID Clinic (seven days a week until 8pm ET).

Simply let them know what you're looking for and share a link to your Canvas site, and they'll come to the meeting ready with ideas and how-tos. There's no need to come to campus — 30-, 45-, or 60-minute virtual appointments* are available:

  • Monday through Friday, 9am to 8pm ET
  • Saturday and Sunday, noon to 8pm ET

* Note: The ID Clinic will be closed from December 23 to January 1, in accordance with the university-wide holiday closure.

Book an appointment when it works for you: go.iu.edu/idclinic
Questions? Email idclinic@iu.edu.

Have a wonderful break! I'll be back in touch in the new year.


Sarah Engel
Faculty Liaison, UITS Learning Technologies
Indiana University

Primarily focused on teaching and learning with technology, this mailing list is for IU instructors and those who support them ― but anyone is welcome to join. For more on the LT list, visit https://kb.iu.edu/d/awbu.

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October 2023 messages