Hello everyone,
I wanted to share three big announcements, now that the semester is in full swing:
1. PlayPosit, a new way for students to actively engage with video, is now available in all Canvas courses at IU.
Students can take time–stamped notes, use discussions to chat about the content, and peer review each other's presentations. And you can ensure they're watching your videos by adding questions, branching scenarios, class polls, and more. Register for an upcoming webinar to learn more: Creating interactive video learning objects (February 4) and Engaging students with video (February 15) will explore how PlayPosit supports active learning with video.
2. The final module in the Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice (DEIJ) pathway of Teaching for Student Success (TSS) is now live on IU Expand.
The pathway –– with modules on understanding DEIJ issues, course design and teaching strategies, and becoming a more effective ally –– brings together the expertise of educators, leaders, designers, and resource and technology specialists on all IU campuses. Access TSS on IU Expand.
3. Three new pilots have launched on next.iu.edu – A11y, Microsoft Teams Classes, and Gradescope (all three are integrated with Canvas).
A11y helps you ensure your content is more accessible for all students by generating alternative formats and providing tips to improve Canvas course accessibility. Microsoft Teams Classes creates a Team from your course roster and continuously syncs it to reflect drops and adds. And Gradescope facilitates grading of exams and assignments, including bubble sheets, handwritten, and code. Join these pilots at Next.IU.
Also, be sure to check out February and March happenings below. The Mosaic webinar series is starting up again, the ePortfolio Symposium call for proposals just went out, and registration is open for both the EC Moore Symposium and the CEW&T Annual Summit.